Friday 14 June 2013

A Mere Thought

Ever seen the image of a virus in your science book? They look something like this:

First thought on looking: 'Wait, don't they look like some technologically advanced robots evilly programmed to infect us, given that spider-like design? I mean, look at their spine, and the shape of their head, not to mention the legs.'  I bet every eighth-grader must have thought this on opening this chapter in their science books. 

Now, my thoughts are particularly mad related to this topic. My imagination and intuition tell me that maybe, aeons ago, some alienatic spaceship would have been planning to attack the earth. As scientists say, biological attack is the most dangerous that can happen to the earth by another intelligent species living on another planet. In other words, the most pitiless WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction). I also saw this on Discovery the other day.

So, all in all, the virus must have been released by some aliens onto the earth when we didn't exist, given their  robotic format. Maybe they have been programmed to activate when they come in contact with a something of living nature.  

Ok, now it's getting extremely interesting. And my curiosity adds to the load. If all that I am thinking could be real, existence of aliens, evil aliens, could be proved. Provided that, new ways of artificial intelligence could be discovered. (Not to mention that the content in our textbooks would change.)

The aliens of my imagination are doing a really good job, though. Haven't discovered any ways of vaccination against these viruses, have we? It's possible that disease-causing microorganisms might have existed on the aliens' planet! So, they fashioned a microbe of their own which is I-N-V-I-N-C-I-B-L-E! That means that the conditions on earth and that planet might have been somewhat alike (because of the existence of microorganisms).

Drawing conclusions from a mere thought can be real fun. Our imagination can do so many wonders! But what if all this is real? Well, we just gotta wait and watch =)

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