Saturday 15 July 2017

Lost Identity

'One, two, three...'
The night sky glanced at its reflection
In the eyes wide open with curiosity -
Stars glittering with chaotic anticipation
Inviting thought, creating explorers.
The mind waited for question-filled dreams
Embraced the future, flew along with the breeze.
Who am I? The heart, it said
Wanderer, explorer, a friend of the skies!

The body grew longer while thought, it shrunk
With every answer discovered, with every answer accepted.
Stars slowly going out, one by one
Yet some glinted still, arms drawn, calling.
Who am I? The mind, it sought once again
A grain of sand, trying to leave a mark.

As slowly grew knowledge and the mind was satiated
Steadily started shrinking the confines of wandering thought.
Questions were asked, lesser than before
For what the mind had received, it also digested.
Curiosity was bringing on its own end.
Who am I? The melancholy heart, it ventured
All-knowing, searching for lost mystery
Now deep within the crowd, trodden upon.

The stars which once shaped the mystery-treasuring mind
Were betrayed, their own world wielding the smith's tools
Shaping boundless thought to limiting frames
Killing, murdering, though not dealing with death.
Who am I? The mind suspected, anxious, withdrawn
Death in a live body
Once bonded with stars
Now groping for identity.