Saturday 17 October 2015


Silence breathes through like a scream ear-splitting,
Yields like the air ere a heart-wrenching storm.
Sand flies like freedom all over the hill
Breaking, wrenching, in anticipation, torn.

Yet Time disagrees, slowing its pace
The two-faced monster, is that a service it does?
The stars but betray, with a pitiful gaze
Those angels in disguise, silent for their love.

The water more recedes, singing for the wave
Keeping the heart captive, who fails to accept
The reason for the still, why Time, too, will cave
Why none would remain, the sky too bereft.

And in a flash too fast, the eyes, they close
And thought disappears, all turning to naught.
The silence which rose in my eyes as a foe
Was a friend all along, but to be forgot.

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