Friday 3 July 2015


Sometimes I find it hard to believe that this Universe, our Universe, exists. Millions of human beings living their life on a green and blue planet somewhere in the outer reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is but a microscopic stain on the fabric of spacetime... pronouncing Oort Cloud is easier than believing this fact.

How can such a vast, complex universe with endless forms of matter and endless dimensions and other complexities difficult to fathom come into existence? How did Creation come to be? The simple answer a majority of people would look up to to quench their curiosity would be - God. Who created this world? God. How is the Universe so big? God. Why is the Universe the way it is? Because God created it that way.

However, one nagging sensation at the back of my mind constantly keeps asking the question... Who created God? Well, maybe another God? Another God? Then who created him/her?

The analogies might be endless, and the question? Still unanswered.

But surely there must be a reason for all this? Consciousness, existence, intelligence, thought, cognition... somewhere, there might be that reason.

And the only explanation which comes into my mind which is closest to being plausible is... infinity. Infinity in space, and infinity in time. The Universe might have been existing for forever with its reaches spreading out to a distance greater than infinity. That God they all fear, that God they all revere... what if that is infinity?

Sometimes while I gaze into the the night sky and think of its vast extent, I try to search for the answer. Each answer has a 'Why?'. Each reasoning has a 'How?'. This leads me to the conclusion that an answer might not really exist. Because existence... existence itself is a question.

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