Thursday 25 April 2013

The war is won, the peace is not

All have heard of the two World Wars. Just think about them for a minute. Can you review their result? What was the conclusion? Instead of becoming allies, which was the most appropriate thing to happen, most of the nations bacame each others' foes. The effect of this can be felt even today.

The Boston bombings were carried out by Russians. Maybe this was was because of the age-old enemity of the States and Russia? Why was the Cold War fought? What about the space race?

Now think for a moment. If all this had not happened, if we all were celebrating, helping each other today, wouldn't the world have been a much better place? Even if a country won a war, would the dictator win the hearts and obedience of the people of that nationality? Conclusion- complete waste of time.

Wars are not fought between powers, they are fought against humanity.

"The war is won, the peace is not"
That's what I want to tell you, folks!

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