Did we rise too high
We fell into the engulfing abyss?
An abyss eternal,
Or one forgiving, reminiscent
Of the beautiful past?
Of change, a storm gathers
Accustomed to it by now
In dreams thoughts come
Of a better past
But actions, they escape
The transforming magic of determination.
Is this the new world?
Inside a book, perhaps -
A book I cannot close
Nor overwrite its pages.
The watcher does wonder
The wanderings of my mind
The contents of my poetry
That is my heart.
Every second ticking by
Acts against my stalling hands.
Every second ticking by
Escapes the force of my push.
A dilemma is emerging
Are the stars really dim?
Or just a figment of my shattered imagination,
Whose obscurities I can clear?
The past is out of reach,
Betrayed my hapless memory.
A few moments are a million years.