Thursday, 25 December 2014


Those stars,
All bright
Beneath the sky.
The sickle-shaped
Moon, shining
Up nigh,
Are no match
For your infinite
Smile, wider
Than the sickle,
Than the little
Spots up high. 

Those swirls
On a spring,
Spiralling out.
The waves
Sparkling, at
The river's mouth,
Are no match
For the depth
Of your eyes
The sorrowed,
The sunrise.

Those heavens,
Of powers divine.
The paths
Through lands
With blossoms fine,
Are no match
For you, 
Your heart,
Vast as this
Soothing as the

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Love Massacred at Peshawar

Before I ramble on, I would warn you this: This post might make you cry, feel bad, nauseous or heartbroken. It might take over your mind, or it might infest your dreams. But I shall also tell you this: this crying will make you learn, and this sorrow would fill you with pity. It is your choice.

The gruesome Taliban bombing has left the world dumbstruck. Shooting children, more than a hundred of them, aiming right in the head - this incident has brought the human race to the edge of a revelation - that the hearts no longer reside in their bodies.

With the shooting of a single child, a thousand dreams were shot. With the shooting of a single child, millions of ambitions were shattered. But most important of all, with the shooting of a single child, a precious life was lost, which can never be forgiven.

The Pak Taliban entered that hapless Pakistani school, no remorse, no pity, no emotion. Did they not see the eyes of that curious five year-old, wide open at the mysterious object in their hand? Did they not see that terrified face of the shocked girl, praying for her safety? Did they not see the determined face of that gracious girl, who knew death was to come?

Did they not see humanity in those faces? Did they not feel the tears in their eyes?

Such massacring of small, innocent children by a terrorist group has finally opened the world's eyes. These ruthless bringers of terror don't discriminate on the basis of age or condition, they just pull the trigger.

If the anger seeps from my heart, I might even feel pity for those terrorists.

If anyone from Pakistan is reading this post, know fully that the people of our country hold no grudges against you. We are with you all through this, for in the end, they weren't Indian children or Pakistani children, they were human beings, children of this world, and they deserve to live.

I'd like to share this with the Pakistani government - before thinking about issues like Kashmir, which do need to be resolved - think of how broken you are from the inside. Think of the 150 children who were killed.

And most important of all, think of justice, pity and love.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Significance of the Small

Bonjour! It's been many days since I've mused on everyday things, but here comes another day filled with another one of my amusing musings.

Everyday things. Those really, really small, supposedly insignificant things fascinate you sometimes. The odd position of the things on your study table, the equal shapes of flower petals, the tiny ray of sunlight reflected from the tears of your eyes... small, but fascinating.

Sometimes, it's these small things which bring about life-changing revelations. A stream flowing in the bright sun may motivate you to follow your dreams. A shattering glass may inspire you to forgive. These things, hidden in the superficial, are of immense value and churn wisdom.

That's the reason small things of each day of our life must be contemplated, and never underestimated. 

These minuscule fragments of matter may create stunning realizations, but have you ever noticed that these fragments can bring about destruction? That an almost invisible microbe can bring about suffering? That some tiny nuclei fusing with each other can destroy an entire city?

This world has often been thought of as a place where we earn, eat and sleep. There's so much more than that. Luck, hope, emotion and the small, everyday things of life, those which are infinitely stronger than you, and constantly crave your attention.

Try giving it to them, and life will turn into a dream-like reality.