Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Thanks for the Wishes!

So, the holidays are going on right now, and enjoyment is included in everyone's schedule. For example, I'm currently having the time of my life with my cousins, who made my birthday yesterday a very special day for me (thanks, Shubhi and Karan, but I think I made your day special too, for now you have too many posters to your disposal, including one of minions).

Heartily, I would like to thank everyone who wished me and thought about me, and may you keep wishing me every year (that's my blessing!)

Your birthday is a day when you can keep aside all tensions and just appreciate that you've got a life and you got ahead of millions of others by turning 14 (in my case).

As a more comforting thought, I'm slowly getting closer to my death. Hehe.

Anyways, I would like to share that if it's your birthday, irrespective of your age, just enjoy, for you won't turn 14 (or 100) every other day!

I read this quote somewhere:
"You know you're old when the candles won't fill the cake."
(But that's not applicable in my case. The cake welcomed the fifteen candles happily. Thanks again!)