'At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.'
-Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, 1947
Today, the world awoke to wish Mother India on her 67th year of independence. Happy Independence Day, fellow Indians! On this day 67 years ago, India gained its freedom from the British, the Tiranga was hoisted high, faced by a saluting army of freedom fighters. Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai and many more who sacrificed themselves for their country, these martyrs, we owe them so much. We celebrate this day in memory of all of them.
'Main janta hoon aap meri shaadi karwana chahte hain, par meri dulhan to azaadi hai'
(I know you want me to get married, but my bride will always be freedom)
-Bhagat Singh
The shocking massacre of Jallianwallah Bagh, the Chauri Chaura riots, the Simon Comission - all these kindled a fire in our hearts - the flames of patriotism.

On this prestigious day, we celebrate our independence. Here are some tips on how to make this 15th of August unforgettable!
First, and most common one, is to fly kites. From the slums, to the villages, to the towns, to the cities - people of every standard of living fly colouful kites to salute their Mother India. The skies are dotted with countless kites flown from rooftops and fields to symbolize India's free spirit. Kites of various styles, sizes and shades, including the tricolor are available in the marketplaces.
Secondly, you can participate in a flag-hoisting ceremony. This is a no-brainer. You must have been doing this every Independence Day for all we know. This happens in most of the schools, colleges, offices etc, etc.
Thirdly, you can organize a garbage-free campaign in your locality, contributing to the cleansing of your beloved country. It's easy to blame the local municipal officials. It is nobody's case that it is not their duty. But this August 15 take a broom in your hand and go clean your locality of all the litter strewn on the roads. Encourage friends, family to join in.

You can visit a freedom fighter/ soldier's family. Appreciate the freedom fighters for what they did for the nation and the soldier for protecting the integrity of our nation and guarding us against enemies. Moreover, in the aftermath of the Uttarakhand floods, the cause is promoted.
Visit a fort of historical and national importance! Independence day and Delhi's Red Fort are synonymous with each other. It was from the historic Red Fort that Jawaharlal Nehru made that famous Independence Day speech witnessed by people from all walks of life as Nehru inspired them to dream about India's future.
Watching movies related to the Indian freedom struggle like Rang De Basanti, The Legend of Bhagat Singh, Border, A Wednesday, Garam Hawa and many more can be entertaining as well as inspiring. Open a new tab, type the URL of Youtube, and go forward. Moreover, at this time of the year, they are aired almost at all times on T.V.

-Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, 1947
Today, the world awoke to wish Mother India on her 67th year of independence. Happy Independence Day, fellow Indians! On this day 67 years ago, India gained its freedom from the British, the Tiranga was hoisted high, faced by a saluting army of freedom fighters. Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai and many more who sacrificed themselves for their country, these martyrs, we owe them so much. We celebrate this day in memory of all of them.
'Main janta hoon aap meri shaadi karwana chahte hain, par meri dulhan to azaadi hai'
(I know you want me to get married, but my bride will always be freedom)
-Bhagat Singh
The shocking massacre of Jallianwallah Bagh, the Chauri Chaura riots, the Simon Comission - all these kindled a fire in our hearts - the flames of patriotism.
On this prestigious day, we celebrate our independence. Here are some tips on how to make this 15th of August unforgettable!
First, and most common one, is to fly kites. From the slums, to the villages, to the towns, to the cities - people of every standard of living fly colouful kites to salute their Mother India. The skies are dotted with countless kites flown from rooftops and fields to symbolize India's free spirit. Kites of various styles, sizes and shades, including the tricolor are available in the marketplaces.
Secondly, you can participate in a flag-hoisting ceremony. This is a no-brainer. You must have been doing this every Independence Day for all we know. This happens in most of the schools, colleges, offices etc, etc.
Thirdly, you can organize a garbage-free campaign in your locality, contributing to the cleansing of your beloved country. It's easy to blame the local municipal officials. It is nobody's case that it is not their duty. But this August 15 take a broom in your hand and go clean your locality of all the litter strewn on the roads. Encourage friends, family to join in.
You can visit a freedom fighter/ soldier's family. Appreciate the freedom fighters for what they did for the nation and the soldier for protecting the integrity of our nation and guarding us against enemies. Moreover, in the aftermath of the Uttarakhand floods, the cause is promoted.
Visit a fort of historical and national importance! Independence day and Delhi's Red Fort are synonymous with each other. It was from the historic Red Fort that Jawaharlal Nehru made that famous Independence Day speech witnessed by people from all walks of life as Nehru inspired them to dream about India's future.
Watching movies related to the Indian freedom struggle like Rang De Basanti, The Legend of Bhagat Singh, Border, A Wednesday, Garam Hawa and many more can be entertaining as well as inspiring. Open a new tab, type the URL of Youtube, and go forward. Moreover, at this time of the year, they are aired almost at all times on T.V.
"If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India."
-Romain Rolland, French Nobel Laureate
Hope you enjoy this one!